The Council for Musculoskeletal Health
– promotes musculoskeletal health by increasing awareness, dissemination of knowledge and promoting implementation of effective strategies for prevention and treatment.
The Council for Musculoskeletal Health is an umbrella organization where associations and institutional bodies in Norway work together for better musculoskeletal health.
The Council is the Norwegian National Alliance Network (NAN) within The Bone and Joint Decade – The global alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-Musc).
The Council was established in March 2003 and its present membership consists of patient organizations, health profession and medical speciality associations, academic institutions and the Norwegian Directorate of Health making a total of 15 member organizations. The Council was formerly known as The Bone and Joint Decade in Norway (Muskel-og Skjelett Tiåret i Norge) and renamed in 2015.
What is Musculoskeletal Health?
Musculoskeletal Health includes trauma, diseases and complaints in the musculoskeletal system and is divided into 5 major groups:
- Pain and other complaints and/or altered function in the musculoskeletal system caused by physical and psychological stress
- Non-infectious inflammatory disease of the joints, spine and/ord soft tissues
- Degenerative disease of the joints and/or spine
- Pathological bone loss/osteoporosis with or without fractures
- Trauma to the musculoskeletal system and its long term health consequences
The Council for Musculoskeletal Health will
- Increase awareness of the growing burden of musculoskeletal injuries, diseases and complaints.
- Promote an evidence-based understanding of musculoskeletal disorders through dissemination of research.
- Improve the quality of life for everyone with impaired musculoskeletal health.
- Empower patients through knowledge and self-management strategies.
- Promote cost-effective prevention and treatment in order to reduce the burden to society from musculoskeletal disorders.
17 member organisations
- Forskningsenheten for muskel- og skjeletthelse (FORMI) (Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Health, Division for neuroscience and musculoskeletal medicine, Oslo University Hospital)
- Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (STAMI) (National Institute of Occupational Health)
- Norsk Revmatologisk Forening (Norwegian Association of Rheumatologists, The Norwegian Medical Association)
- Norsk Kiropraktorforening (NKF) (Norwegian Chiropractic Association)
- Norsk Fysioterapeutforbund (NFF) (Norwegian Physiotherapy Association)
- Faggruppe for psykomotorisk fysioterapi (Norwegian Society of Psychomotor Physiotherapy)
- Norsk Manuellterapautforening (NMF) (Norwegian Association of Manual Physical Therapy)
- Norsk Revmatikerforbund (NRF) (Norwegian Rheumatology Association)
- Norsk forening for Allmennmedisin (NFA) (Norwegian Association for General Practice)
- Ryggforeningen i Norge (RiN) (Norwegian Back Pain Association)
- Landsforeningen for kvinnelig bekkenleddhelse (LKB) (National Association of Women’s Pelvic Joint Health)
- Landsforeningen for nakkeskadde (LFN) (National Neck Injuries Association)
- Fagforbundet (The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees)
- Faggruppen for ortopedi Norsk Sykepleierforbund (NFSO) (Norwegian Society of Orthopedic Nurses)
- Foreningen for Kroniske Smertepasienter (FKS) (Association of Chronic Pain Patients)
- Norsk forening for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering (NFFR) (The Norwegian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Norwegian Council for Musculoskeletal Health – Board members 2022-23
Kurt Rønning – The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
Deputy Chairperson:
Gerty Lund – Norwegian Physiotherapy Association
Board Members:
Normann Støyle – Norwegian Back Pain Association
Margreth Grotle – Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Health, Division for neuroscience and musculoskeletal medicine, Oslo University Hospital
Jon Ørstavik – Norwegian Association for General Practice
Ann Kristin Bakke – Norwegian Rheumatology Association
Deputy Members:
Nina GE Brynjelsen – National Association of Women’s Pelvic Joint Health
Agnes C Mordt – Norwegian Association of Manual Physical Therapy
BJD ICC member:
Jakob Lothe
Head of administration:
Amy Martinsen
The Council is the Norwegian National Alliance Network (NAN) within The Bone and Joint Decade – The global alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-Musc). In this article you can read more about The Bone and Joint Decade – The global alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-Musc).
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